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Thursday, November 3, 2011


So, I'm in a position right now where my mentor teacher may be moved to another building. If that is the case, I have three options. 1-stay with my mentor teacher,  2-move to another 3rd grade class in my building, or 3-stay with my kids and whatever teacher is placed in the room.

Here's the thing: I'm in a bilingual classroom. The district needs bilingual teachers in another building. My kids need their bilingual teacher. If my MT is taken away, the kids suffer. If both of us are taken away, they suffer even more. If the teacher that replaces my MT isn't an experienced teacher they suffer even more, and that's just not fair!

But, if I stay with my MT then I will be taught how to teach. If I stay with my MT I will get more experience across grade levels. If I stay with my MT then I'll have connections at more than one Detroit school. If I stay with my MT then I will for sure have a solid reference when I am looking for a job.

I can't stop thinking about the kids though. This is an injustice to them. It's not right. It's not right at all. And I have no idea what I should do, if I am given the option. Should I stay with my kids and make sure they are being taught? Or should I stay with my MT and make sure that I have a better chance at getting a job when I need to get one?

I just don't know. Either way I feel like it's lose-lose. LAME.


  1. Not saying I know the answer to that one except PRAY I am sure He knows! Anyway no harm in asking.
    We miss you Amy O!

  2. Hey Amy, ask the Lord what He wants you to do. If He wants you to go with your MT, He will take care of the kids. Even if He wants you to stay with the kids, still...He will take care of the kids.

  3. In that short time with them I'm sure you have already made a lasting impression on them for good. God has to share you with many many more kids that he wants to reach through you...
