Well hello friends,
It has been quite some time since I've had the opportunity to write. Looking at the dates I can see why. For the last 10 weeks I've been lead teaching. All of the classroom responsibilities have been my job alone. It's been tough at times and full of work, but I've made it. This week I am beginning to fade out of classroom teaching.
Yesterday I began writing letters to each of my students. I want to make my last day a very special day for them. It's been fun writing these letters. I love the ability I have to prophesy into their lives and encourage them. I love telling each of them that they are smart and will do great things in the future. I really do believe it! Each one of these kids has amazing potential. And each one of them needs to know that their teacher believes in them and knows that they are capable. Because, honestly, these kids are. And I really believe that each kid is. They just need someone to affirm them. They need someone to value them. I can't wait for my very own classroom. I love having the chance to speak life into kids and hope for them when I may be the only one.
I've started applying to many jobs. I need to be hired into Detroit Public or Detroit Charter due to a loan-forgiveness scholarship that I have. I believe there is hope for me to find a job in DPS, but I probably won't hear from them until late in the summer and that makes me very anxious. I have sent my resume to several charters in the area but haven't heard back. April 19th is a job fair at MSU and many of the schools I am interested in will be there. Over spring break I will work on putting together the hard copy of my portfolio and finding myself a great outfit to wear for the fair and subsequent interviews.
I really can't believe how fast this time has flown by. I'm ready to be done though. After spring break I will be able to go around and observe different classrooms and schools. I think that will be a great time to pick up things I haven't been able to learn from my mentor teacher.
All in all, this has been a great experience to teach, plan lessons, and build relationships with my kids, teachers in the building, and the interns that I work with. Although I am far too happy to be done on April 27th, I know I will miss being at Maybury. But...when the weather is as beautiful as it is today I feel like it's a sin to make people go to work instead of being able to enjoy life outside. So...I won't miss it TOO much I suppose.
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